The father of 9511 is ZA 22 CBX 315. He was bred by Bertus and is a son of ZA 14 BDU 1235 (grandson of 43178) and ZA 14 00423 (daughter of GOUE KLEINEN). 43178 is a son of GOLDEN EYE & HALF PINT and GOUE KLEINEN is a son of GOLDEN EYE & LICHTE KLEINEN.
1235 was a super racer. His best results are:
- 2 WCPTA 530km 5252 pigeons
- 2 WCPTA 456km 1268mpm 4264 pigeons
- 4 WCPTA 530km 4063 pigeons
- 5 WCPTA 362km 6543 pigeons
- 17 WCPTA 459km 5494 pigeons
- 32 WCPTA 361km 5496 pigeons
- 46th WCPTA 178km 5052 pigeons
- 59th WCPTA 178km 5447 pigeons
- 89th WCPTA 361km 6208 pigeons, etc.
Winner of 1,2,2,2,2, etc club.
"1235" is a very good breeder and is also sire of ZA 18 BDU 1048 - 1 WCPTA BWest 362km 1393mpm 2349 pigeons.
The mother of 999 is a double winner for Johan and Cattrysse/Clausing/810 Sablon lines.
Picture of "1235".