POCKET POWER (BDU13D/2578) - Winner of 2 Combines in Western Cape

This little blue cock BDU 13D/2578, now called POCKET POWER, won two big races in 2015 for Jan Kruger of Paarl. Bertus bred him out of BLIKSEM 16734 (Son Bliksem x Daughter Blauwe Bliksem) and ZA 12/40147 (Wittenbuik 370 x ZA 10/74416).
His two Combine wins were:
4 July 2015: 1st WCPTA Beaufort West 370km 1474mpm against 6208 pigeons.
29 August 2015: 1st 3-Bird Federated Board Hanover 590km 1275mpm against 1275 pigeons (7 min lead) and 1st Combine against 5252 pigeons with a 2 minute lead.
Jan and his loft managers were under the impression that POCKET POWER was a hen and only realized that he is in fact a cock after he won the Combine from Hanover. He is a small pigeon with incredible muscles and typical of the Vandenabeele pigeons of Bertus. POCKET POWER is now back in Colesberg to strengthen the breeding loft.
Picture of Pocket Power.

Developed by MWP.